Manu iScan is a Mobile Capture app để thực hiện ảnh ảnh và upload từ Manulife for the further process.
During using Manu iScan, you can:
• Capture technology và smart Upload các tập tin, công việc cho người dùng
• Receive document images optimised in acceptable file size for best OCR results.
• 2FA allows you to create codes backup to let them access your account even if your device is lost, stolen or broken.
• High Security
Manu iScan app scans and sends images from Manulife, with functions:
a). Shooting technology and smart photo uploading, convenient for users
b). Image reception function is optimized with the best OCR quality
c). 2FA technology allows users to retrieve data via the App, even if the device is damaged or lost.
d). Maximum security